Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mud Dawg Teaser

An associate of mine presented me with an opportunity this Labor Day Weekend. To film a teaser so she can offer it as part of a double feature when she's shopping for investors. We happily agreed and I dusted off an old concept I shelved, because we needed investors to shoot it. Its called "Mud Dawg" and its about a Gator Skunkape.

Pre production has been interesting, but still very productive. Josie Collier, the aforementioned associate who spearheaded the weekend venture, and the bulltiger team haven't worked together in almost five years and it's like we never stopped. I worked on script and scheduling, Steven on location and tech, and Josie on cast and crew. Just like the old days of "Kung Fu Hillbilly". Well maybe a bit smoother, okay a lot smoother.

The flick takes place on the Texas Gulf Coast in town called Big Cypress, where some of the locals have gone missing. The legend of the Mud Dawg has endured for decades and often any mysterious disappearances are blamed on the creature. There is much more than what's on the surface going on.

What I'm trying to do is spice up what is a cliche' creature feature with little differences that at very least may keep the watcher from expecting everything. Like making the main hero a round, bald, older guy. Like making the monster share the spotlight with a serial killer. A few other details that are in the works. A meaty and complex story for a bloody creature feature.

We got this. . . Dream on ya crazies.

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